주요 국가 및 도시 방사선 정보 사이트
국가(도시) | 기관명 | URL | 바로가기 |
우리나라 | 국가환경방사선자동감시망 (IERNet) | http://iernet.kins.re.kr |
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일본 | 일본원자력규제위원회(NRA) | http://radioactivity.nsr.go.jp |
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일본(도쿄) | Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health | http://monitoring.tokyo-eiken.go.jp |
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일본(후쿠시마) | Fukushima Prefecture | http://fukushima-radioactivity.jp |
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미국 | United States Environmental Protection Agency | https://cdxnode64.epa.gov |
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중국 | 중국환경방사선감시기술센터 | http://www.rmtc.org.cn |
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Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center | http://www.chinansc.cn |
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홍콩 | HONG KONG OBSERVATORY | http://www.hko.gov.hk/radiation/rmn_hourly_e.htm |
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대만 | Atomic Energy Council | https://www.aec.gov.tw/english/trmc_taiwanout.php |
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